The traditional margarita is elevated with this vibrant twist that balances refreshing hibiscus with aromatic rosemary.
818 Tequila
Hibiscus Rosemary Margarita
The traditional margarita is elevated with this vibrant twist.
Ingredient Amount
Ingredient Name
1 ½ oz.
818 Blanco
¾ oz.
Hibiscus Tea
¾ oz.
Lime Juice
¼ oz.
Rosemary Syrup
Pinch of Flaky Sea Salt (Optional)
Tools Of The Trade
Sauce Pan
Coupe Glass
To make rosemary syrup, combine 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water and several rosemary sprigs in a small saucepan over medium-high heat until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat, cover and steep for 30 minutes, then strain out all solids and let cool.
To make hibiscus tea, bring 1 cup water and 1 oz dried hibiscus flowers to a boil, steep for three minutes or more to taste. Strain out all solids and let cool. (Note: Store-bought or premade hibiscus tea and rosemary syrup are also fine).
Combine ingredients except for salt and shake over ice.
Strain and serve into a coupe glass with ice and top with a pinch of flaky sea salt.
Garnish with a hibiscus flower and/or a sprig of rosemary.